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I Am a Freelance Writer, Certified Personnel Consultant and Life Coach with a passion for life and people. I enjoy exploring a broad spectrum of religious, spiritual, metaphysical & mystical schools of thought. I've studied ancient writings from almost every cultural origin, and various forms of meditation, prayer & contemplative practice. My intention and desire is to awaken humanity's awareness and experiential knowledge of God by embracing an integral approach to spirituality that transcends limiting belief systems. http://exm.nr/pSkfgG

Friday, October 31, 2014

Non-Judgment Day IS Near! (For some it is already here)

What is meant by judgment and non-judgment?

Jesus said, “Judge NOT ACCORDING TO APPEARANCE, but judge righteous judgment." (John 7:24)
This directly implies that any judgment based upon appearance (a material or sensory observation of any outward phenomena) is NOT RIGHTEOUS judgment.

Judgment according to any moral standard of good and evil (or right and wrong), regardless of the subject matter, is NOT RIGHTEOUS, because that type of judgment can only come from partaking of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, NOT from the Tree of Life. For the Tree of Life is "in the midst of Paradise of God", which IS the Kingdom Of God (SPIRIT).

The Kingdom of God "DOES NOT come by OBSERVATION." And we know that, "My Kingdom IS NOT OF this WORLD." (external arrangement of the cosmos). Therefore, "righteous judgment" can only come from SPIRIT because the Kingdom of God IS "RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY IN the Holy SPIRIT"!! (Rom 14:17)
Based on this we can conclude that Righteous Judgment IS Non-Judgment as far as any natural, material or dualistic sense is concerned.

Judgment as it pertains to the realm of duality or relative experience (appearance or form) is completely different than the internal discernment of Truth from Illusion (righteous judgment). Walking in non-judgment does not mean that we cease thinking or contemplating. If that were the case, it would be pointless to even make a distinction between judgment and non-judgment. The key, however, lies in our PERCEPTION. A perception which stems from a universal belief in separation, or an existence of an ego-identity apart from God IS ILLUSION, whereas, SEEing with the One Mind all things (and EVERYONE) as they truly are IN and AS Spirit IS Truth. The ego (false self) perceives (judges) externally through separation, the Spirit SEEs only Oneness through the Single Eye of Unconditional Love.

We are admonished to "Henceforth KNOW NO MAN according to the flesh." (2 Cor. 5:16)
That means if we SEE anything other than Christ (SPIRIT) in people it is equivalent to "bearing false witness" against our neighbor. For truly, how can anyone "Love their neighbor AS themSelf," if they are judging them according to some outward criteria or standard of measure. Hence the reason Jesus also said very simply, "JUDGE NOT lest you be judged." Because when you judge others, YOU ARE JUDGING YOURSELF. The judgment isn't coming from God, it is coming from your own mind.

"Speak NOT evil one of another, brethren. He that speaks evil of his brother, and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law, and judges the law: but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge." (James 4:11)

This is NOT a judgment of Old Testament Law, it is a judgment of the "LAW of the SPIRIT OF LIFE IN CHRIST" as though it is incapable of accomplishing the purpose in our brothers and sisters for which it was intended. It is a denial of the GRACE and GOODNESS of God which is drawing, reconciling and transforming ALL.

Righteous Judgment REVEALS HARMONY.....IT RESTORES......IT MAKES WHOLE. It does not criticize others in the name of discernment. LET US LIVE according to "the LAW of the SPIRIT OF LIFE" in Christ, where there is "therefore NOW, NO CONDEMNATION." Cease to judge according to the appearance while calling it discernment. "Discernment of spirits" is only an IN PART gifting, whereas, when that which is Perfect IS COME, that which is in part is DONE AWAY WITH. Therefore when we walk in PERFECT LOVE, there is no need to point the finger, because "LOVE IS the fulfillment of the law." (Rom 8:1/ 1 Cor. 13:10/ Rom 13:10)

"NOW IS the judgment of this world, NOW WILL the prince of this world BE CAST OUT." (John 12:31)
"And I SAW Satan fall from heaven like lightning (with bright shining)." (Luke 18:11)
"And the Accuser OF Our Brethren IS CAST DOWN which accused them before our God day and night." (Rev. 12:10)
"CASTING DOWN every vain imagination and proud barrier held up against the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD." (2 Cor. 10:5)
"Then shall that Lawless One (false self/ carnal mind) be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the SPIRIT OF HIS MOUTH and destroy with the BRIGHTNESS of His coming (i.e. Manifestation OF HIS PRESENCE)." (2 Thess. 2:8)

THIS JUDGMENT takes place WITHIN CONSCIOUSNESS. The illumination (bright shining) of the Light of Truth within us regarding our DIVINE IDENTITY exposes and casts out the Adversary (Satan), the Egoic mind (the Prince of this world) which perceives separation and division until we no longer find fault or perceive ourselves as separate from any of our brothers and sisters. This IS the state of Non-Judgment in which the Son of Man has truly been given the authority to forgive sin (mistaken identity). "Whosoever sins you remit are remitted, and whosoever sins you retain are retained." We are the only ones who hold each other captive in our minds from the full realization of OUR shared IDENTITY.

Loose your brothers and sisters from every chain constructed in your mind.......SEE them BLAMELESS....HOLD them GUILTLESS....LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY!! "For if you LOVE not your brother whom you can see, how can you love God whom you cannot see?" (1John 3:10 & 14/ 4:20)

Elevate your Consciousness to SEE beyond the veil of appearance....

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